Sunday, February 3, 2008

The prediction

I lost the paper =(

So I had to post this up with a fresh memory.

This is what we voted among us - Hanwei, Sun, Sam, Vs and me =) during our night in Genting

The 1st to get married : Sam
The 1st to get a divorce : Kar
The 1st to have children : Sun
The 1st to earn a million : Sien
The 1st to get an abortion : Kar
The most successful : Sam
Best parent : Hanwei
Career changer : Sien
The one who would have an affair after marriage : Kar
The one who would have the most children : Hanwei
The one who would get abused by partner : Hanwei
The one who would stay single : Sam


berto said...

makes no sense to me. sam - first to get married and still stays single??? huh??

Karmen said...

Contradicting we know. But she either gets married 1st or stays single after all of us are married. =)