Wednesday, March 19, 2008

M i s s s s s s

so i was goin thru some pics n realised i miss u guys la. Pics are random. lazy arrange :D.
btw, go see the post b4 this. izit nenene or nenenene i wonder ar. hehe :P

Prom night. we all looked so good. especially the guy on the far left. horh?
Somehow i look thru the photos n dai lan ngong always kena bully one. haha. i miss some of the crap u come up with.

VS: wats mummified?

Me: we show u.

result- see above. hehehahaha :D

funny how jean came in n she too asked and we all shouted we show u. can still rmb her shocked n scared face lol.

Sun, Basheeba...i miss u la u dumb dumb. miss ur loudness, ur crap n running thru the rain with u? la..tht one i dont realli miss la. :P. i miss beating u in pool. We had a great year eh. :)

countless fun times la hee. n funny how i might not have hung out with u because i tot u were a MALAY GANGSTER GIRLFRIEND. :D

Princess Sam. every chat with u is interesting. n i seriously seriously miss ur sarcasm laaa. seriously. :P, n u saw it before huh? hee, i did tell u then i would never let u forget u said tht.
Karmen!. hee. i miss u too. i miss ur sweetness and aso ur laugh. dunno y but can hear it right now in the back of my head o. eh, sun cant seem to rmb ur laugh wei. one day u must laugh for me to hear. i rmb berts la...the silent laugh. :P

Jacky!!!! :P. ur so purely innocent la :P
again. kena bullied haha. dont u think this dai lan ngong is so cute. now tht i think of it quite cute o. :P.
waiyerrr. hahaha. han wei, miss ur teng teng teng wei. n ur shit toks :P. n futsal too. not sure if i told u but my fren said u are hot. i dont disagree la but i still think u look like the naked mole rat in Kim possible :D
damn fun to tease u bout ur shortness :P. i guess i miss tht too. but seriously ur not THT short la. got shorter ones...just nice to tease ma. hee

Cool buddy!..damn we look cool la...crap i accidentally deleted the pic :P.

imagine..christine with a COOL looking cap. me with a COOL looking cap n my COOL jacket. got it? i miss u supermodel christine hee.

hahahahahahah. jean. big sis. y? got headache izit? HAHAHA. i rmb all the deep talks we had n all the funny toks n funny+ fun stuff we did together. hope ur constipation problem better liao :P. old town kopitiam eh. :D
bert. rmb this? heh. this parts gonna sounds DAMN gay wei. but wad the heck.

i miss sleeping with u. haha..DAMN is an understatement laaa. anyway, it was realli fun la to hav a roommate thts a dumbass like u la. N i mean its DAMN fun. again, an understatement.

Hehehoho. theres my cool buddy again. but without her cap. but still cool. miss u.
i miss Ms Yeap. my favourite teacher weiiiii. haha. eee, got flower growing out of her head. :p
This is not an emo post. just great thinking back n remembering those times. Cause itll be a shame if i were to ever forget them.

btw, does anyone remember my old blog link? cause i want to read it haha.